The following instructions will assist you with the process of importing (publishing) TIP’s (your program) and TRN’s (SQL or Toolkit Transactions) to SBS-Pathfinder™.

TIP (Terminal Interpreter Program):

The TIP contains all the panels and programs that reside in your project.  The TIP itself is fed to the TIP Driver which intern runs the application on the data collection device.  The  TIP Driver also communicates to Pathfinder which provides all the server side resources.

The latest version of the TIP should reside in SBS-Pathfinder™at all times, so that SBS-Pathfinder™ can distribute it to any clients when the client is ready to receive it.  The client can receive it by the user requesting it by clicking the download button in the TIP Driver or automatically by the programmer making use of the “Version Control” instruction.

The process of importing the TIP is relatively easy.  From the SBS-Pathfinder™GUI. open the node “TIP Programs” by clicking on the + sign.  This will expose all the TIP’s that have already been imported to SBS-Pathfinder™.  Also please notice the version # of the TIP’s that are being shown.  When you import your TIP and that TIP is already present in the tree, make note of the new version number of the TIP and make sure that it’s the desired version.  The Version Control instruction will ONLY download to the client a version that is more recent (greater then) then what the client is currently running.

To import the TIP you must right click on the TIP Programs node and select “Import “TIP Program” from the drop down menu. Then you must navigate to and select the desired TIP to be imported.   If the TIP is already shown in the tree then you will be asked for permission to overwrite it.  The tree will be refreshed and you will now see the version of the TIP that Pathfinder is ready to distribute on a request from the client.

After the successful importing of the TIP, the TIP Programs node will be refreshed showing the current version numbers of all TIP’s that have been imported to SBS-Pathfinder™.

If you would like to remove the TIP that you just imported, or remove any TIP in the tree, simply right click on the TIP entry in the TIP Programs node and select “DELETE TipName TipVersion” from the menu. 

TRN (Tranactions):

The TRN contains all the data necessary to send and receive data from a SBS-Pathfinder™ resource to a data collection device. The 2 most commonly used resources are ODBC and Toolkit.  The TRN itself is sent over a TCP/IP socket connection to SBS-Pathfinder™, which in turn performs the desired action and then returns the desired results.

The latest version of the TRN should reside in SBS-Pathfinder™at all times, so that SBS-Pathfinder™ can process the transaction requests from any of its clients. 

The process of importing the TRN is relatively easy.  From the SBS-Pathfinder™GUI. open the node “Resources” by clicking on the + sign.  This will expose all the Resources that have been defined to SBS-Pathfinder™.  Also please notice the different kinds of resources that to SBS-Pathfinder™ supports.  It is very important that you import your TRN to the proper resource.  Failure to do so will result with the TRN running but the data collection device not receive the desired results.   When you import your TRN, and that TRN is already present in the Resources/Transactions tree, you will be asked to confirm that you would like to overwrite the TRN that already exists.

To import the TRN you must right click on the proper resource globe under the Resources node and select “Import “TRN” from the drop down menu. Then you must navigate to and select the desired TRN or TRN’s (multiples can be selected) to be imported. If the TRN is already defined to the resource,  then you will be asked for permission to overwrite it.   

After the successful importing of the TRN, the Resources node will be refreshed with the TRN version. If you desire to see the TRN version # you must open the transactions node (under the resource node) and double click on the desired transaction.  A spy window will open and in the top portion of it scroll down to see the version number.

If you would like to remove the TRN that you just imported, or remove any TRN in the tree, simply right click on the TRN entry in the transaction node and respond yes to the question “Do you want to delete Transaction x—–x from Resource y——-y”.